
Emoji/Smiley Left arrow to copy/paste

The emoji Symbol Left arrow. He's classified as emojis Symbols, panels and colours. His representation in shortcode is .

Emoji :
Code : U+2B05,
Shortode :

Once you have clicked on the button above, you can paste the emoji wherever you want using the keys CTRL + V or by right-clicking and selecting the option Coller.

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Visuals of the emoji by platforms


Emoji ⬅ Flèche de gauche à copier/coller


Emoji ⬅ Flèche de gauche à copier/coller


Emoji ⬅ Flèche de gauche à copier/coller


Emoji ⬅ Flèche de gauche à copier/coller


Emoji ⬅ Flèche de gauche à copier/coller


Emoji ⬅ Flèche de gauche à copier/coller

Emojis in Relationship

Discover this selection of symbols, signs and panels encompassing different emoticons allowing you to communicate in a simple, fast and fun way and to let your inner child free to express themselves with these fun emojis. The use of these emoticons is simple, just copy and paste them and then the turn is played.

Left-right arrow Right arrow curved to the left Left arrow curved to the right Right arrow up Right arrow down🔃🔃 Vertical breaches in the direction of the needles of a watch🔄🔄 Button of arrows in the opposite direction of the hands of a watch🔙🔙 Flèche de retour🔚🔚 Flèche END🔛🔛 Flèche ON!🔜🔜 Flèche SOON🔝🔝 Flèche TOP Flèche up Right arrow Right arrow Flèche down Flèche down Flèche down to left Left arrow Flèche upwards Flèche haut-bas

All emojis in the category: Dryers

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🏧🏧 Automatic ticket dispenser🚮🚮 Panel "Liter in the trash🚰🚰 Drinking water Wheelchair symbol / disability🚹🚹 Toilets of men🚺🚺 Toilets for women🚻🚻 Toilet🚼🚼 Baby symbol🚾🚾 Toilet / toilet🛂🛂 Passport control🛃🛃 Customs🛄🛄 Claim of baggage🛅🛅 Hand luggage Symbol Warning🚸🚸 Children who cross Control panel / Don't come in.🚫🚫 Forbidden🚳🚳 No bikes🚭🚭 No smoking🚯🚯 No waste🚱🚱 Eau non potable🚷🚷 No pedestrians📵📵 No cell phones🔞🔞 Persons under 18 years of age Radioactive / Radioactivity / Nuclear Biological risk Flèche up Right arrow Right arrow Flèche down Flèche down Flèche down to left Left arrow Flèche upwards Flèche haut-bas Left-right arrow Right arrow curved to the left Left arrow curved to the right Right arrow up Right arrow down🔃🔃 Vertical breaches in the direction of the needles of a watch🔄🔄 Button of arrows in the opposite direction of the hands of a watch🔙🔙 Flèche de retour🔚🔚 Flèche END🔛🔛 Flèche ON!🔜🔜 Flèche SOON🔝🔝 Flèche TOP🛐🛐 Place of worship Symbol of the atom🕉🕉 Om Star of David Dharma wheel Yin yang Latin Cross / Christian Orthodox Cross star and croissant Peace symbol / Peace and love🕎🕎 Menorah🔯🔯 Star with six dotted branches Aries : Signs of the Zodiac Taurus: Zodiac Signs Gemini: Zodiac Signs Cancer: Zodiac Signs Leo: Signs of the Zodiac Virgin: Signs of the Zodiac Balance: Zodiac Signs Scorpion: Zodiac Signs Sagittarius: Signs of the Zodiac Capricorn: Zodiac Signs Aquarius: Signs of the Zodiac Fishes: Signs of the Zodiac Ophiuchus: Zodiac Signs🔀🔀 Random title play button🔁🔁 Rehearsal button🔂🔂 Repeat a single button Button play / Play Rapid advance button Button "Next track "play" or "pause" button Rear steering wheel Rapid reversal button Button of the last track🔼🔼 Button "to the top Button "fast up🔽🔽 Button down Rapid descent button Break Stop button Recording button Ejection button🎦🎦 Cinema🔅🔅 Mitigation button🔆🔆 Bright button📶📶 antenna bars📳📳 Vibration mode📴📴 Mobile phone off Women's Symbol / Female Sign Male Symbol / Male Sign ⊛ transgender symbol Multiplier / Multiplication Plus / Addition Less / Subtraction Disclose / Division Symbol of the infinite Double exclamation point Point of exclamation and denial Question point / Question White interrogation point White exclamation point Exclamation point Unloaded shot💱💱 Currency exchange💲💲 Symbol of the dollar / Silver Medical symbol / Pharmacy Recycling symbol Flower of lys🔱🔱 Trident Emblem📛📛 Badge nominative🔰🔰 Japanese symbol for beginner Hollow red circle Check / Check / Valid Case checked / Validate / Approve Check / Validate / Approved Crusader Cross button Earring Double curly buckle Alternate mark of the parties Asterix with eight branches Eight-point star spark©© Symbol Copyright®® Symbol Recorded Brand#️⃣#️⃣ Button: # (hastag / dieze)*️⃣*️⃣ Button * / Framed asterisk0️⃣0️⃣ Zero button / 0 frame1️⃣1️⃣ One / 1 frame button2️⃣2️⃣ Two / 2 framed button3️⃣3️⃣ Three / 3 framed button4️⃣4️⃣ Four / 4 framed button5️⃣5️⃣ 5 / 5 framed button6️⃣6️⃣ 6 / 6 framed button7️⃣7️⃣ Box seven / 78️⃣8️⃣ 8 / 8 framed button9️⃣9️⃣ New button / 9 frame🔟🔟 10 / 10 framed button🔠🔠 Entry into Latin capitals🔡🔡 Little Latin entrance🔢🔢 Enter the numbers🔣🔣 Input symbols🔤🔤 Enter Latin letters🅰🅰 Blood group A/ Sang🆎🆎 Blood group AB / Blood🅱🅱 Blood B / Sang🆑🆑 CL button🆒🆒 COOL button🆓🆓 FREE button Information🆔🆔 Button ID Encerclé M🆕🆕 NEW🆖🆖 NG button🅾🅾 Blood O / Blood🆗🆗 OK.🅿🅿 P button🆘🆘 SOS button🆙🆙 "UP" button!🆚🆚 VS button🈁🈁 "here" button in Japanese🈂🈂 Japanese button "service fees🈷🈷 Japanese button "monthly🈶🈶 Japanese button "no free"🈯🈯 "Reserved" button in Japanese🉐🉐 Japanese button of "marchandage🈹🈹 Japanese button "discount🈚🈚 Japanese button "free🈲🈲 Button "forbidden" in Japanese🉑🉑 "acceptable" button in Japanese🈸🈸 Japanese button of "demand".🈴🈴 Japanese "class pass".🈳🈳 Japanese button "post evacuation Japanese button "Congratulations Japanese "secret" button🈺🈺 Japanese button "open for business🈵🈵 Japanese button "no vacancies🔴🔴 Red circle🟠🟠 Orange circle🟡🟡 Yellow circle🟢🟢 Green circle🔵🔵 Blue circle🟣🟣 purple circle🟤🟤 Brown/brown circle Black circle White circle🟥🟥 Red square🟧🟧 Orange square🟨🟨 Yellow square🟩🟩 Green square🟦🟦 Blue square🟪🟪 Carré violet🟫🟫 Brown / brown Large black square Large white square Medium square black Medium square white Medium-sized black square Medium-small white square Black square White square🔶🔶 Large orange diamond🔷🔷 Great blue diamond🔸🔸 Small orange diamond🔹🔹 Little blue diamond🔺🔺 Red triangle pointed up🔻🔻 Red triangle pointed down💠💠 Diamond with a point🔘🔘 Radio button🔳🔳 White square button🔲🔲 Black square button

All emojis in the category: Symbols, panels and colours

Julien MA Jacob - WordPress Developer
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Julien MA Jacob - WordPress Developer
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